How to play League of Legends: The rules of the game

League of Legends is a 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena game played on computers. It is a medal event at Asian Games 2023. Learn how to play LoL and know the rules.

League of Legends was among the seven esports games which offered medals at the Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou, China.

7 minBy Prathamesh PalshikarLeague of Legends is a 5v5 multiplayer online arena game, where two teams of five players each battle it out on a quadrangular map. The main objective of the game is to destroy the opponent team’s main structure, also called the Nexus, located at the other end of the battlefield. Whichever team destroys the opposition’s Nexus first wins.

How to play League of Legends

Like all MOBA games, the map and its elements play an integral part in the gameplay of League of Legends.

Though there are multiple maps in the League of Legends, the one called Summoner’s Rift is generally used for competitive tournaments.

Summoner’s Rift League of Legends map

The Summoner’s Rift map is quadrangular in shape. The two furthest corners of the map serve as bases for each team. The Nexus of each team is also located inside their respective bases.

The Nexus also spawns small foot soldiers called minions at regular intervals, who advance along the three pathways until killed.

The three pathways – called the top lane, mid lane and bottom or bot lane – connect the two bases. Each pathway is protected by three turrets or towers per team. There are two additional turrets protecting each team’s Nexus. So, each team has 11 turrets protecting their half of the map.

Additionally, each base also consists of three crystals, one for each lane, called inhibitors.

The fountains at the furthest tips of each base are where the players spawn and respawn after death. Players can also use the fountain to replenish their health.

Players can also access the in-game shop at their respective bases to buy upgrades and items in lieu of gold earned during the game.

The rest of the map is a jungle, which consists of various neutral monsters, both small and large.

League of Legends gameplay

Each of the 10 players in the game controls a character, known as a ‘champion’. Currently, League of Legends offers more than 160 champions, each with a unique set of abilities.

The champions earn gold and XP (experience points) by killing enemies, including opposition minions, champions and defensive structures. While XP can be gained by hitting or destroying any enemy asset, gold is only earned by delivering the killing blow.

The XP points help each champion level up and gain more skills while gold can be used at shops to buy items and upgrades to make them stronger. Players usually dedicate the early parts of the game to accumulating gold and XP, which is popularly known as farming.

Each match starts afresh, meaning levels or items cannot get carried over from one game to the other.

Players choose their champions before the match starts. The role of each player and their chosen champion varies depending on the team’s strategy.

However, there are five types of roles players typically execute - top laner, mid laner, bot laner or AD carry, jungler and support.

As the names suggest the top, mid and bot laners are players who try to keep control of the three lanes on the map. Usually, top laners are played by players using champions with the capacity to take heavy damage. They are often called the tanks of the team.

Bot laners or AD carry players usually utilise champions with powerful ranged attacks but low health. However, once they level up they become the focal point of a team due to their ability to deal constant damage to opponents.

Mid laners are often the ones who can deal heavy damage in the early stages and have a good game sense. The mid lane is the shortest lane and is vital during the early stages.

  • Auto attack: Basic attack or AA that a champion can repeat without repeated clicks.
  • ACE: Earned when the last living champion of the enemy is eliminated.
  • Assassin: A champion who can incur burst damage and is adept at getting in and out of fights quickly.
  • Backline: The furthest combat distance from enemy champions.
  • Crowd control: Also known as CC, it limits the opponent’s movement.
  • Crit: Short for a critical strike, an attack incurring twice the damage.
  • Death timer: Time needed for a champion to respawn after being slain.
  • Elder Dragon: The final dragon in the game.
  • Gank: To ambush the enemy.
  • Recall: Ability that allows all champions to teleport back to the team’s base. It usually requires eight seconds.
  • Super Minion: Upgraded minions that spawn after the enemy inhibitor has been destroyed.

League of Legends at Asian Games 2023

For the first time at the Asian Games, esports was played as a medal event at Hangzhou 2023. League of Legends was one of seven games in this competition.

The Asian Games 2023 featured 19 of the best League of Legends teams from the continent. Until the finals, the matches were played in the best-of-three format. The gold and bronze medal matches were best-of-five affairs.

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